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Statement on the anticipated influx of illegal immigrants to cross over Arizona's southern border

Friday, April 1, 2022


Statement on the anticipated influx of illegal immigrants to cross over Arizona's southern border

PHOENIX, ARIZONA-- "We are greatly frustrated with the Biden administration's move to rescind Title 42 USC 265, which currently allows for rapid expulsion of migrants at the border and blocks them from entering. This policy was put into place to protect the health of our citizens. Removing it now would be detrimental to our state and our nation," said Senate President Karen Fann (R-1).

"Once the order from the CDC lifts on May 23, we anticipate illegal immigration in Arizona will subsequently double. Currently, there are reports of thousands of migrants waiting just south of the border to cross illegally. This means, not only will public health be in jeopardy once again, but more dangerous criminals and deadly drugs will spill across our open border and into our communities.

Sadly, our courageous men and women in local law enforcement who are working tirelessly to protect our border, are doing so with no help whatsoever from President Biden. His incompetence has only exacerbated this crisis.

We stand with other lawmakers across the country in solidarity against this reckless action taken by the federal government. We urge President Biden to send support immediately to combat this national security threat. Anything less would truly be a disgrace to the citizens of the United States."


For more information, contact:

Kim Quintero

Director of Communications

Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus

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