Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Statement from Senator Shope on the passing of former Senator Frank Pratt
"There are no words I can convey that would properly share my feelings today as I learn of the passing of my friend, colleague, and mentor Frank Pratt. He was a trailblazer not just in Pinal County politics but also in life. While most knew him to be a quiet type who played his cards close to the vest, I knew him as somebody of deep conviction and a firm belief in right & wrong.
Indeed, Pinal & Gila County residents, and frankly all Arizonans, are better off today for his accomplishments. I am truly saddened over his loss and I offer my prayers & condolences to his wife Janice and his family. Rest In Peace to a man who espoused what it is to be a gentleman legislator and great human being. Thank you for everything Mr. Pratt."