Monday, August 2, 2021

Statement from Senate President Karen Fann
"Based on today’s responses from Maricopa County and Dominion, it appears we will soon secure copies of ballot envelopes and critical voter registration information. That is progress, and the final audit report will be better because of it.
Maricopa County's slow-walk of the Senate public records request into a possible breach of the voter registration server is frustrating, and we will try to be patient and give the County more time to comply, as they requested.
We are weighing our options for securing access to the routers and passwords and will make a thoughtful decision in due course after conferring with my staff, counsel, and colleagues. It is unfortunate the noncompliance by the County and Dominion continues to delay the results and breeds distrust.
We remain committed to ensuring election integrity as voter confidence is at the heart of what we set out to achieve in this endeavor. Our constituents deserve no less."
Senate President Karen Fann
Quit playing nice. The delay is just to give them more time to destroy evidence or something along those lines! Throw them in jail!!!
We appreciate your commitment to getting to the truth of the 2020 election. Please stay on this and do not let ANYONE dissuade you from completing the task at hand. The Arizona Legislature is a shining example to the rest of the states and has set the Gold Standard for forensic election audits. It is crucial that you see this through. We the People have been disenfranchised in the 2020 election and this needs to be made right!