Senate President Russell Pearce announced today he is naming Senator Don Shooter chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
“Senator Shooter is a strong fiscal conservative. He works well with his colleagues and the Governor. He will put the taxpayers of Arizona first,” says President Pearce.

Sen. Shooter currently serves as Chair of the Appropriations Sub-committee on Rural Issues, Education & Natural Resources.
“It will be a year of reform, with a smaller, more efficient government. With this pro-jobs, pro-education, pro-public safety Senate we have a great opportunity to continue to move Arizona in the right direction,” says Sen. Shooter. “We will return in January with no deficit, thanks to the Senate’s hard work in delivering a balanced budget.”
“Senator Shooter will be an outstanding Appropriations chair, continuing our effort to stimulate the economy with lower taxes and reduced regulation,” says Pres. Pearce. “He understands the process and has a good working relationship with the House and the Governor. Senator Shooter has the time and willingness to work with Leadership on budget issues important to Arizona.”
Shooter replaces Senator Andy Biggs, who is now Majority Leader in the Senate.
“Senator Biggs will stay very engaged in the Appropriations process, and Appropriations Vice-Chair Ron Gould is a seasoned Senator and a longtime Appropriations member. With Senator Shooter moving into this leadership role, our Appropriations team becomes even stronger,” says Pres. Pearce.