Sen. Linda Gray, a well-known champion of strong drunk-driving legislation, continues to be recognized nationally for her efforts. The Century Council has given the Phoenix Republican a Leadership Award for her hard work. The Century Council is a national not-for-profit organization funded by distillers and focused on fighting drunk driving and underage drinking.
Senator Gray is one of only seventeen legislators across the country to earn the award.
In announcing the honor, the group said “Senator Gray has fought tirelessly to strengthen Arizona’s drunk driving laws”. The Century Council recognized that Senator Gray has made community safety a top priority by promoting legislation to prevent alcohol-related traffic crashes. In 2001, The Century Council supported her bill to lower Arizona’s “extreme DUI” level from .18 to .15.
In the most recent legislative session, Senator Gray sponsored SB 1200 which promotes the increased use of ignition interlocks to prevent drunks from driving. She credits the use of the interlock devices for the 46% reduction in DUI fatalities in the latest data obtained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Senator Gray is chair of the Senate Public Safety & Human Services Committee.