Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Senator Kelly Townsend filed a 1487 complaint against Pima County
(Phoenix, State Capitol) --- Senator Kelly Townsend filed a 1487 complaint with the Attorney General's Office to investigate whether the "Memorandums issued by Pima County titled “FAQ Regarding Mandatory Vaccinations for New Hires, Promotions and Employees Working with Vulnerable Populations” on November 8, 2021 and “Process for Off-Board Unvaccinated Staff who work with Vulnerable Populations” on December 7, 2021 violate ARS 23-206 or Governor’s Executive Order 2021-18.”?"
"I spoke at the press conference two days ago on behalf of Arizona workers who are facing termination due to vaccine mandates. We held a private meeting at the Senate to listen to the problems our first responders are dealing with on a daily basis. Following that meeting, we held a press conference and the public participated in a march to City Hall."
Townsend continued, "Between the pressure we put on the City of Phoenix and federal court ruling that halted the mandates nationwide, the city rightfully paused the implementation of the federal mandate requiring city workers to be vaccinated by January 18, 2022."
"However, there are entities that are not complying with the federal court ruling and are putting Arizonans in danger," said Senator Townsend. "I am asking the Office of the Attorney General to investigate the decision by Pima County Supervisors to fire unvaccinated correctional officers, or any staff for that matter, without honoring their right to a religious exemption, as per A.R.S.23-206."
Senator Townsend concluded, "This is a new level of tyranny that we have not seen in this state. I will not stand for this, and neither will my colleagues. We stand ready to push back and restore sanity to Arizona. I expect a fast response from the Attorney General's Office and am calling on all Arizonans to join our effort in fighting for our freedoms, now."
For more information, contact:
Kim Quintero
Director of Communications
Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus
Office phone number: 602-926-5418