Strike a blow for sanity, and for a 14-year-old girl who likely has saved lives in this state.
Senate President Steve Yarbrough, R-Chandler, is killing a bill aimed at weakening Shannon’s Law by making it more difficult to prosecute people who fire their guns inside city limits...
House Bill 2287 passed the full House and the Senate Government Committee but it’ll go no farther.
"The Senate is not going to consider this bill," Yarbrough told The Arizona Republic on Monday. "It's important to have this law in place to deter folks from firing weapons in these circumstances, even accidentally."...
"Shannon should be raising her own family now. She never even had a chance go to high school. But the law in her name has helped make Phoenix a better place.” It’s not something I often say about leaders in our state but …Good job, Sen. Yarbrough.
Read the full story here