Senator Sylvia Allen has been named 2016 Legislator of the Year by the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (ACCCC). Senator Allen accepted the award at the group’s Legislative Reception on August 11 at Coconino Community College in Flagstaff.
“I am honored to receive this award that recognizes the support I have for our community colleges and the important work they do. It was time to show this support and do something big for our community colleges, which is why I championed legislation this year that will allow our community colleges to innovate, contribute to our economy and provide for our workforce development needs,” said Senator Allen.
The community colleges recognized Senator Allen for her leadership on SB 1322, which reforms expenditure limits and gives relief to community colleges without raising taxes. The bill, signed into law by the Governor, encourages community colleges to partner with the private sector and recognizes the expensive nature of career and technical education coursework in determining expenditure limitations.
“The community colleges play a vital role in rural Arizona and to our continued success as a state and I am excited about continuing the progress we have made for our students and our economy,” said Senator Allen.
President of Northland Pioneer College and the Chair of the ACCCC Board of Directors, Jeanne Swarthout, Ph. D., described why Senator Allen was chosen as the Legislator of the Year.
“This year you worked diligently to update and modify a formula put in place in 1980 that hampered the colleges’ ability to partner with business and industry and discouraged the colleges from investing in high cost workforce programs such as nursing, avionics, welding, health and computer sciences and several more. Your work will allow community colleges to better serve the needs of Arizona’s businesses and students, and we appreciate your support.”
Senator Allen is the Chair of the Senate Committee on Education and serves as President pro tempore of the State Senate.