The Senate celebrated the first day of the legislative session this year with a number of opening day ceremonies.
Fifty-Second Legislature – Second Regular Session
Monday, January 11, 2016
12:00 Noon
12:00 Noon - Second Regular Session Convenes, Senate Chamber
(Reserved seating in the Senate Gallery for Legislators’ Guests. Guests should be seated by 11:50 a.m.)
Prelude music performed by the Arizona School for the Arts
Percussion Ensemble Elizabeth Guzman, Director
Call to Order
The Honorable Andy Biggs, Senate President, District 12
Dr. Michael R. Tucker, Senior Pastor, Faith Community Church, Chandler
Presentation of the Colors
Luke Air Force Base Honor Guard
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
John, Charlie and Walter Driggs, children of Senator Adam Driggs
Playing of the National Anthem
Arizona School for the Arts Concert Choir
Elise Kurbat, Director
Arizona School for the Arts Concert Choir
Ubi Caritas by Ola Gjeilo
Tony La Russa, Arizona Diamondbacks Chief Baseball Officer and Major League Baseball Hall of Famer
2:00 p.m. Joint Session, House Chamber
(Reserved seating on the House Chamber Floor and in the Gallery for Legislators’ Guests)
State of the State Address
The Honorable Doug Ducey, Governor of Arizona
Senate Reconvenes upon Adjournment of the Joint Session, Senate Chamber
(If necessary to complete Senate Business)
Senate Business