Senate President Andy Biggs has named Senator John McComish to the Workforce Arizona Council. The Council was formed in January by Executive Order from Governor Janice K. Brewer.
The Workforce Arizona Council provides leadership and direction and establishes policy for delivery of a quality workforce system. The centerpiece of the effort is a centralized, “one-step” workforce system in Arizona. The Workforce Arizona Council oversees more than 50 one-stop service centers, serving the employment and training needs of both job seekers and businesses throughout the state. The Council also reviews funding and resources of workforce development programs, increases public awareness of state workforce programs and improves communications between state agencies that work together to foster workforce development.
Members of the Council include people from the private sector, city and state government, large and small businesses, youth groups and higher education. The Senate President has two appointments. He named Senator Michele Reagan of Scottsdale along with Senator McComish