“I am pleased that the Arizona Department of Education and the Arizona State Board of Education have announced they have resolved the dispute over their duties and the ongoing litigation is coming to an end. I have always maintained that these two agencies need to find a legislative solution, rather than fighting it out in the courts. It is within the Legislature’s constitutional authority to clarify roles, and this agreement will allow that.
I wish to thank Education Committee Chair Senator Sylvia Allen for being a champion on this issue and pushing the parties to come to a solution. I am also grateful for Senator Jeff Dial for the initiative to take on this critical issue, keeping the conversation alive and working with the two parties to come to a compromise. Both Senators knew the Senate’s bill was constitutional and the best answer to resolve the standoff.
Superintendent Douglas and Governor Ducey have shown strong leadership during this disagreement, and I thank the Superintendent for working with legislators to find a legislative solution.
Now it is time for these agencies to leave the courts behind and get to work for the students of Arizona.”