Arizona State Senate Highlights of the 51st Legislature Second Regular Session
(Unless otherwise noted, all bills were signed into law)
The Republican Legislative Majority continued its conservative, pragmatic approach to enacting a balanced FY 15 budget. By finalizing a budget that utilizes three-year revenue and spending forecasts, the Legislature and Governor have attempted to minimize the prospect of the feast or famine swings from prior years. An essential component of the FY 15 final budget package is the incorporation of the Financial Advisory Committee’s (FAC) revenue estimates and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee’s (JLBC) caseload/baseline estimates.
The State budget has General Fund spending $422 million above FY 14, for a total of $9.23 billion. The Republican Legislature continues to focus on the education and safety of Arizona’s children, with 72% of the new money going to K-12, higher education, and Child Protective Services.
K-12 – Total K-12 spending increased by $187.6 million
o Formula/Inflation $132.1 million o District Charter Schools $ 24.5 million o Student Success Funding $ 20.0 million o JTEDs $ 2.0 million o Testing Costs $ 8.0 million o Student IT Certifications $ 1.0 million
Child Protective Services – Total CPS spending increased by $59.7 million
o 242 CPS Case Workers $ 15.3 million o OCWI/Attorneys/Staff $ 3.3 million o Family Services $ 16.1 million o Transition/Automation $ 25.0 million