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Vietnam War Commemoration Flag Arrives in Arizona

Arizona Governor Janice K. Brewer welcomed Senator Gail Griffin to the Executive Tower recently for a ceremony recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. A commemorative program was established in 2008 to thank and honor veterans of the Vietnam War, highlight the service of the Armed Forces during the war and pay tribute to the contributions made on the homefront by the people of the United States during the Vietnam War. Part of the program is the unveiling of the Vietnam War Commemoration Flag. Arizona is only the third state in the nation to receive the flag from the Department of Defense. On the flag are the words “Service, Valor, Sacrifice”, virtues demonstrated by our veterans during the war. At the bottom of the flag is the phrase “A Grateful Nation Thanks and Honors You”. Senator Griffin was the sponosr of SCR 1014, a resolution establishing Arizona as a commemorative partner in the 50th anniversary events. Senator Griffin read the resolution on the floor of the State Senate this session.

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