Alarmed by the potential impact of new environmental regulations on the local economy, State Senator Sylvia Allen (R-Snowflake) will testify before a public hearing conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding a federal plan that has the potential to close one or more units at the Cholla Generating Station near Joseph City.

The Tuesday, August 14 hearing will solicit public feedback on the EPA’s decision to reject Arizona’s plan to address regional haze (a visibility, not health issue) in favor of a federal plan that would require Arizona utilities to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to install new and expensive technology on existing power plants, including Cholla. If implemented, the plan could force the utility to close one or more units at the generating station.
“I am appalled that the EPA is considering new regulations that could do significant harm to Navajo County’s economy at virtually the same time that we’re struggling to deal with the closure of the Catalyst Paper Mill near Snowflake,” Allen said. “I look forward to defending my constituents against the Obama Administration’s extreme environmental agenda.”
WHAT: EPA public hearings on new regional haze regulations.
WHO: State Senator Sylvia Allen.
WHEN: Tuesday, August 14, 6 pm.
WHERE: Northland Pioneer College (Tiponi Conference Room).