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Sen. John McComish named to Morrison Institute Board

Sen. John McComish has been named to Arizona State University’s Morrison Institute for Public Policy Board of Advisors. He was invited to serve on the Institute’s Board on Thursday, based on the participation and support he has provided the Board over the years.

“I am honored serve an Institute that does such great and important work for Arizona. I am extremely thankful to the Board for the opportunity to represent the Morrison Institute, as well as the State of Arizona as a whole,” says Sen. McComish, a Republican from District 20.

Sen. McComish worked successfully for both Fortune 500 companies and as a small business owner in Arizona. He became a state legislator in 2005. He served three terms in the House, where he was elected Majority Whip, and soon after, Majority Leader. In the Senate, McComish is currently Chairman of the Banking and Insurance Committee as well as a member of the Committees on Finance, Judiciary, and Economic Development and Jobs Creation.

The Morrison Institute is an independent and non-partisan research center concerned with examining issues critical to Arizona and the quality of life of its citizens. It is part of the College of Public Programs in the School of Public Affairs at ASU and is located in downtown Phoenix.

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