Bill signing and festivities to mark first Boy Scouts of America Day and 100th anniversary
Celebration of the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th anniversary will include a bipartisan bill signing by Governor Jan Brewer, as well as the Boy Scouts’ annual report and a barbecue. The bill designates February 8 of each year Boy Scouts of America Day.
More than 300 Boy Scouts, alumni, troop leaders, council executives and state legislators will gather on the Capitol Mall to commemorate this momentous occasion. (Boy Scouts of America Day is not a legal holiday.)
◾Governor Jan Brewer
◾House Speaker Kirk Adams
◾Senate President Bob Burns
◾Secretary of State Ken Bennett
◾Senator Al Melvin
◾Representative David Gowan
◾Attendees from the Boy Scouts of America, the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs
10:00 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 8, 2010 (attendees arrive at 9:00 a.m.)
Arizona State Capitol Mall
1700 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ
For more information, contact:
Paul Boyer, Communications Specialist
Office: (602) 926-5545, Cell (480) 577-0078, e-mail
Mike Philipsen, Communications Advisor
Office: (602) 926-3972, e-mail: